Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A New Post Brings About New Recycling Options!

     Hello everyone I am extatic to bring about some of the most exciting news in recent Computer Crusher Recycling Company history!  We have now entered the business of refurbishing ink jet, laser-toner, and wide format ink cartridges.  We will now attempt to isolate and seperate any and all ink jet, laster-toner and wide format ink cartridges from their perspective boxes and printers.  From here they will be isolated and sorted.  Once sorted these items will be sent to their perspective facility for refurbishing.  Once each item is refurbished they will be available for resale. 

     This new process keeps inline with our goals of attempting to refurbish or reuse as many variants of computer electronics as possible.  These remanufactured products will be of the highest quality and can be used in many of the printers our customers use.  Not only will these remanufactured cartridges be usable by our customers, but our customers will be able to save alot of money by using remanufactured cartridges over OEM. 

     Saving the Earth and saving our customers money is what this whole process is about.  We are still in the early phases of this process but please stay posted to our blog and website for future developments in regards to this process.  If you have any surplus of various used ink or toner please feel free to contact us for a removal quote via our website, or feel free to call us at 940.380.0091.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Buy quality products and reduce the need to recycle!

    Our post this morning isn't necessarily in direct regaurd with recycling.  It does have an impact on recycling though.  This post is in regards to the importance of decisions made at the time of purchase of electronics.  It is extremely important to purchase grade A quality products any time you set out to purchase electronics. 
    If quality products are purchased at minute one they will last longer and better serve the consumer, but they will also prevent the constant need to purchase and replace lower quality items.  If a high quality television is purchased and the quality lasts say 15 years is purchased over a lower quality budget television which lasts 3.  This will prevent 4 additional televisions from meeting end of life during that same time frame.  This is 4 less TVs which will need to be recycled in that 15 years.  If that theory is expanded over all electronics to all consumers, we may be able to drastically cut the need for recycling. 
    The only way this can ever happen is if the actual consumer changes their demand practices.  Currently consumers seek to replace their electronics at a rapid rate, and therefore the producers of these electronics have no need to produce the longest lasting products possible.  It is only through a change in demand that the ultimate producers will create products that produce the lasting quality needed to reduce recycling needs. 
    Next time we will discuss options of repair or recycle. 

Donald D. Harvey
General Manager
Computer Crusher Recycling Company

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Some Security Tidbits and Advice for Everyone out There

     Hello everyone, I would like to extend a little bit of information in the direction of our customers regarding the data trail they may not be aware they are leaving out there.  The first tidbit is a link for a video which discusses the perils of large photo copiers and printers.;photovideo

     This link discusses how many of these machines unknowingly to many consumers and end users contain hard drives which track and create copies of all images, items, and copies produced from the machine.  These machines do this out of convenience, but that convenience may come at a price.  If you utilize a public copy machine to produce duplicates of social security cards, birth certificates, or other private documents, the machine will store these records which could ultimately be extracted at a later point by a potential criminal.  It is for this reason it is important to know the recycling procedures of the company at which you use to make these copies. 

     The next time you find yourself at one of these photo copiers at work, the grocery store, or anywhere for that manner, ask the person in charge who is responsible for the machine how that particular machine will be recycled once it is no longer in use.  If their answer is that the Computer Crusher Recycling Company will handle the device then you can rest assured that the hard drive will be located, pulled, and physically crushed by us.  The physical destruction outlined in a previous blog explains how we destroy hard drives quickly and efficiently. 

    Next blog: What, is a hard drive?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Data Destruction - Hard Drives and ???

     Last time here on the Computer Crusher Recycling Blog we discussed in depth our secure hard drive destruction methods.  Not only did we tout our ability to thoroughly sanitize the data and destroy the hard drive, but we described our eco friendly process in doing so.  We are able to totally destroy the hard drive and thereby make certain your data is secure. 

     Hard drives are not the only storage medium we are capable of destroying.  We have destroyed hundreds of thousands if not millions of optical disks including CDs, DVDs, Blue-Ray Disks, and other odd optical media storage devices.  We also are capable of destroying most types of magnetic storage such as floppies, server back up tapes, surveillance tapes, and much more.  It doesn't stop there though, our on site data destruction for DFW Metroplex businesses and residents expands to include solid state drives and flash memory as well. 

     Long story short, if it stores data and you need it destroyed, we will find a way to ensure your data is safe.  Many of our methods do not utilize electricity when avoidable.  This allows our destruction methods to be as green as possible. 

     If you find yourself in the North Texas, Dallas, Fort Worth, Irving, Denton, or nearly any major city in Texas, Computer Crusher Recycling Company will find a way to make your on site data destruction needs a reality.  As always feel free to visit us at for more information. 

Donald D. Harvey
General Manager