Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Recycling = Good, Better Recycling = Best!

    Hello everyone!  If you are reading this you are obviously interested in the process of electronics recycling, or you have recycled your electronics before.  In this short little blurb today regarding e-waste and e-cycling I will try and convey a few brief concepts to you all as to how to take your recycling experience to the next level. 
    Sure it is a great thing to recycle your old and end of life computer electronics with a responsible e-cycler, but what can you do more than simply drop off just your old pc or monitor?  Well, many recyclers are also devout and accomplished refurbishers, which means that they may be able to ultimately repair or utilize parts of your end of life products.  In order to maximize the Reuse category of the "4 R's" package up all cables, software, and accessories pertaining to the object you are recycling.  This not only allows the recycler to determine what can possibly be salvaged or not, but also the recycler is probably capable of recycling alot more than you may think!
    Be it cables, software, cd cases, keyboards, mice, headphones, speakers, power strips, or microwave ovens, can openers, hair dryers, or more, chances are your local electronics recycler is quite capable of recycling it!  If you are very concnerened that they may not take the item you intend to bring or are concerned there may be fees involved, such as with TV recycling etc. call ahead to ask what is acceptable and what is not.  The worst case is they will tell you they cannot responsibly recycle that item, and they may even have a referral for someone who can! 

    So to recap in a couple of rules:
1. Bring ALL peripherals and content associated with the items you are recycling. 
2. If possible keep it as organized as possible. 
3. If you're worried the recycler may not accept your item, call ahead!
4. Ask, ask, ask!  Most recyclers are more than willing to help you find a place to responsibly recycle what they cannot. 

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me (Rule 4 :D) at:

Donald D. Harvey
General Manager

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A brief description of how we destroy hard drives.

    Here at Computer Crusher, data security is our number one driving force.  Our premier service of on site data destruction is and has been under constant development since the inception of the company.  We utilize a method of physical destruction over software based institutions for numerous reasons. 
  • Speed
  • Reliability of destruction
  • Energy conservation
  • Assured destruction
    Once we have the hard drive seperated from the computer, we are able to physically destroy the hard drive.  We have developed a proprietary press/head combination in which we are able to crush, puncture, and warp the platters.  We are able to physically destroy about one hard drive every 20-30 seconds with our machine.  The machine is completely man powered and does not use any electricity. 

     The photo to the left demonstrates what the hard drive looks like once it has been crushed in our machine.  The crusher head punches four holes through the platters.  The platters warp and crack around these four punched holes.  The platters are also bent, warped, and cracked around the hard drive spindle.  Finally the crusher head destroys the circuit board found on the back side of the hard drive as the four spikes pierce all the way through the hard drive.  This method of destruction allows for total physical destruction without the use of expensive and energy sucking degaussing machines. 

     When you elect to have your data destroyed with us using our proprietary method, you can be sure it will be destroyed quickly, efficiently, and using zero emissions during the destruction process.  If you would like more information about hard drive destruction, or would like to schedule an appointment for destruction please contact us at web@computercrusher.com or visit our website at http://www.computercrusher.com/

Until next time,
Donald D. Harvey
Computer Crusher Recycling Company
General Manager

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Computer Crusher Recycling Company: The History and the Future.

    Computer Crusher Recycling Company offers a secure solution to computer electronic recycling. President and founder Brad Chism is a Business Computer Information Systems graduate of the University of North Texas in Denton Texas. The company was built on the premise that security should be the number one priority when dealing with computer electronics.

    In 2006 we developed equipment that allowed us to physically destroy computer hard drives onsite for our customers. This new method allowed us to show our customers first hand that their data was actually being destroyed. NBC channel 5 news in Dallas/Ft Worth filmed a segment for their “Going Green” series on our unique approach to computer recycling in the summer of 2007. Since then, various news media outlets including the Dallas Morning News have done follow up stories on our progress.

    Chism founded the company believing that customers should not just be promised that their sensitive data will be destroyed offsite at another facility, but wanted them to see with their own eyes that it was being done properly. Computer Crusher uses no power or electricity to accomplish the data destruction.

    Chism, who at the age of 10 started a business recycling old newspapers from local neighborhoods, continuously strives to ensure that ewaste managed by Computer Crusher Recycling Company is handled responsibly. Computer Crusher partners with local entities to properly monitor downstream recycling. Through a new comprehensive inventory system our employees are now able to track, sort, and store materials processed by our facility. Many surrounding DFW cities use Computer Crusher Recycling Company for their Spring and Fall cleanup events.

    It is from these humble beginnings which have led the company to where it is today.  We will try and avoid using this blog for mere shameless promotion, and more of an informative insight into the proceedings of various recycling processes, delve into various issues, legislation, and regulation facing this particular industry, and even discuss various green inventions, or suggestions.  We hope anyone interested in all things green, or even our company in general may find this blog useful.
Happy Reading.
Donald Harvey
Computer Crusher Recycling Company
General Manager - web@computercrusher.com